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Internet Policy

It is the policy of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library to make internet resources available to its customers along with collections of print, non-print and electronic reference resources. The addition of internet resources provides access to information beyond that contained in the Library’s collections. Youth ages 11 and under cannot use an internet computer without the signature of a parent or guardian.


Customers are required to agree to the following Internet Acceptable Use Agreement before using the internet at the Library. The Library reserves the right to review this policy from time to time and make changes as necessary.


Library Internet Acceptable Use Agreement

I agree to use Library computers for lawful purposes in a responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which they are provided and to follow all rules concerning limited computer time.


I will not use the internet for any purpose prohibited by North Carolina or federal law; misrepresent myself by access code, password or signature; alter hardware or software nor make copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data unless such use is authorized.


I understand that the Library does not monitor and has no control over materials obtained on the internet, and cannot be held responsible for internet content. The Library cannot control access to online content or protect patrons from online content they may find offensive.


I understand that the Library is compliant with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and has technology protection measures (TPM or "filters") on its computers, designed to protect against access to visual depictions that may reasonably be construed as 1.) obscene, 2.) child pornography or 3.) harmful to minors. I will not send, receive or display sexually explicit materials nor materials deemed harmful to minors. I also agree to use appropriate discretion when viewing materials and will refrain from displaying material on a terminal when so requested by library staff. I understand that youth ages 11 and under cannot use an internet computer without the signature of a parent or guardian. I also understand that parents and guardians of minors have both the right and the responsibility for their child’s use of the internet computers at the Library to:

  • assure their children's safety and security when using email, chat rooms and other forms of electronic communications;

  • protect against unauthorized access, including "hacking" and other unlawful activities by their children;

  • protect against unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors; and

  • restrict their children's access to internet sites that are harmful to minors.


I waive my right to any claim against the Library, its employees, trustees, officers and agents arising from the use of the internet.


I understand that failure to comply with this agreement may result in loss of computer privileges or banishment from all Library locations.


Internet Safety Tips

The internet can give you access to information, entertainment, job opportunities, travel experiences and much more. At the same time, it can leave you vulnerable to online scammers, identity thieves and more.


Here are 7 tips for staying safe on the internet:

  1. Protect your personal information. It's valuable.

  2. Know who you're dealing with.

  3. Use anti-virus and anti-spyware software, as well as a firewall, and update them regularly.

  4. Make sure your operating system and web browser are setup properly and update them regularly.

  5. Protect your passwords.

  6. Back up important files.

  7. Learn who to contact if something goes wrong online.


The Library encourages parents to be involved in their children and teens' use of the internet.


Here are 4 tips for youth for staying safe:

  1. Don't post your name, your age or your hometown on any website.

  2. Always tell your parents if someone online asks for your personal information or asks to meet you.

  3. Never share your passwords with anyone but your parents.

  4. Follow your parents' rules for using the internet.


The following websites provide in-depth information on internet safety:

  • Federal Trade Commission - works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop and avoid them.

  • GetNet Wise - a public service sponsored by Internet industry corporations and public interest organizations to help ensure that internet users have safe online experiences.

  • Internet Keep Safe Coalition - a coalition of 49 governors/first spouses and other associations dedicated to teaching children the safe and healthy use of technology.

  • i-Safe - a non-profit foundation endorsed by Congress. They are dedicated to protecting the online experiences of youth everywhere.

  • National Cyber Security Alliance - a non-profit organization that provides tools and resources to empower Internet users to stay safe online. NCSA members include the Department of Homeland Security, the FTC and private-sector corporations and organizations.

  • Netsmartz - an interactive, educational safety resource to teach kids and teens how to stay safer on the internet.

  • Wired Safety - an internet safety and help group. Comprised of unpaid volunteers around the world, provides education and assistance on cybercrime, abuse, privacy, security and responsible technology use for all ages.


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