The Library will be closed on Labor Day, September 2.

Library by the Numbers


2023: Library in Review 

All statistics are from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, except where otherwise noted.
Download a PDF of these statistics


Library Visitors

The Library welcomed 2,009,670 visitors through its doors.


Library Members

By the end of Fiscal Year 2023, 314,681 people were active library cardholders, having used their account within the past two years. 


Total Materials Borrowed

Library users borrowed 6,380,348 items. 


Digital Materials Borrowed

The Library's digital formats were very popular with customers, who circulated 2,783,434 items.



The Library encouraged the love of reading and learning by offering 18,158 programs with a total attendance of 378,402. 


Pre-Third-Grade Literacy Impact

The Library has made a commitment to partner with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools to expand literacy programming for pre-third-grade students.  Attendance for these library programs was 297,495 participants.


MeckTech Connect

MeckTech Connect was launched in December of 2021, in partnership with Open Broadband and funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Knight Foundation. This program is a pilot for free public internet service in select neighborhoods in the West Boulevard Corridor and includes free laptop distribution to neighborhood residents.


19,730 refurbished laptops distributed 


Job Help

The Job Help Center hosted 399 job help-themed programs to help people in the community develop skills and prepare for career-readiness, advancement, placement and more.


Summer Break: A fresh take on Summer Reading

The Library's Summer Break program engages participants with learning and literacy over the summer, when they’re most at risk of losing academic gains made throughout the school year. Summer Break encourages kids to participate in a variety of activities over the summer, in addition to reading.  

  • Total minutes read - 9,129,360  
  • Summer Break program completers - 4,355


Get Social: Social Media Followers

Staying connected to the community in a variety of formats is important as a trusted community institution, and how we get news about the Library's phenomenal programs, resources and programs is important. 21,508 people followed us on Facebook in Fiscal Year 2023. Another 9,461 followed us on Instagram, 5,928 followed us on LinkedIn and 11,242 followed us on Twitter.


Consider following us to stay connected.