Tax Information

Income Taxes & More

IRS Alert: Due to staffing issues, processing paper tax returns could take several weeks longer. Taxpayers and tax professionals are encouraged to file electronically. 


Form 1040, Form 1040SR and Instruction Booklets are suppled to Libraries. Please call your library branch and ask about availability before driving over. A limited number of printed federal tax products are available at some local IRS Tax Assistance Centers. The IRS suggests obtaining print forms, instructions, and publications in 3 ways:

Some Charlotte Mecklenburg Library branches have business tax forms and publications. Please contact your local branch to find out which of these are available.

Federal Tax Information

IRS Official Website - Forms, Instructions, Publications, Updates....The place to start. 

E-filing Information - for individuals, businesses, and the self-employed. Free E-filing options explained.

United States Tax Code – Select the current year, then click on the "+" sign next to "Title 26 - Internal Revenue Code" and identify the section that applies to you. Or click on the Search button at the top of the page and type a keyword or phrase, then look for results from Title 26.

Code of Federal Regulation – Select the current year, then Title 26, which is the Internal Revenue section. You may view or download portions or all of this section as .pdf files, which you may then search.

Local IRS Tax Office

North Carolina Tax Information

North Carolina General Individual Income Tax information.

North Carolina Tax Forms and Instructions for individuals. Prior year forms available also.

North Carolina Tax E-filing instructions

Local State Tax Office - The local office of the North Carolina Department of Revenue has state forms, instructions, and publications, but does not offer federal forms.

South Carolina Tax Information

South Carolina's Tax Forms and Instructions for individual. Prior year forms available also. 

South Carolina's Tax E-filing instructions

South Carolina Department of Revenue
300A Outlet Pointe Blvd., Columbia, SC 29210
Phone: 1-844-898-8542

Rock Hill Tax Office 
775 Addison Ave, Suite 201, Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone: (803) 324-7641

Local Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

Volunteers prepare income tax forms for low income and senior members of our community. 


Click to contact Community Link or call (704) 943-9490.

NOTICE: The Allegra Westbrooks Regional Library VITA library site will be closed on:

3/15/2025 – see more information at




Tyvola Senior Center 

2225 Tyvola Rd 

Charlotte, NC, 28210 

Tues, Thurs: 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Appointment Line: 980-314-1331 


Charlotte Mecklenburg Library – South County Regional

5801 Rea Rd

Charlotte, NC, 28277

Mon, Tues: 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM

On-line Appointment Booking:

Questions: 704-951-7751


Myers Park Presbyterian Church

2501 Oxford Pl

Charlotte, NC, 28207

Mon, Tues: 10 AM - 2 PM

Appointment Line: 704-365-1995


Reeder Memorial Baptist Church 

3725 Beatties Ford Road 

Charlotte, NC, 28116 

Mon, Tues:  9:45AM - 2 PM 

On-line appointment booking: 

Questions: [email protected] or 704-950-2974


Charlotte Mecklenburg Library – University City Regional

5528 Waters Edge Village Drive

Charlotte, NC, 28262 

Mon, Wed:  9:30 AM – 1:30 PM 

On-line appointment booking:

Appointments can be made in person Mon & Wed from 9 AM - 2:30 PM beginning Feb. 10

Questions:  704-416-7252 


South Iredell Senior Center 

202 N. Church Street 

Mooresville, NC, 28115 

Tues, Thurs, Fri: 8:45 AM – 1:30 PM 

Appointment Line: 704-662-3337 


Concord Senior Center

331 Corban Ave Se

Concord, NC, 28025

Mon, Wed: 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Appointment Line: 704-920-3484, press option "2"


Gaston Senior center

1303 Dallas Cherryville Hwy

Dallas, NC, 28034

Mon, Tues: 9 AM - 1 PM

Wed: 9 AM - 12:30 PM

Appointment Line: 704-922-2170


AARP Tax Aide website includes tax counseling online and articles about how to get help with tax problems.

Tax Information for Other States

Tax Information and Forms - click on the map and find the forms. Provided by the Federation of Tax Administrators.

E-File Your Tax Return for Free

MyFreeTaxes - If your adjusted gross income (or AGI) is $73,000 or less, get your paperwork together, click on "My Free Taxes", and then Login and File for Free!  (State and Federal)