John Patrick Green

John Patrick Green is the writer and artist of the InvestiGators middle-grade graphic novel series, as well as the early reader graphic novels Hippopotamister and the Kitten Construction Company duology. He co-writes the InvestiGators spin-off, Agents of S.U.I.T., with writer Christopher Hastings and artist Pat Lewis. John is also the co-creator and illustrator of the Teen Boat! series with writer Dave Roman. 

John grew up reading comic strips and comic books, and loves to draw cartoon animals. As a human whose job is to write about animals who have human jobs, he especially enjoys writing puns and anything silly. 

When he’s not writing and drawing, John loves to bake sourdough bread, make pizza, stare at the boxes of LEGO sets he still hasn’t gotten around to building, and play video games. 

Born and raised on Long Island, New York, John attended the School of Visual Arts and now lives and works in Brooklyn. 

Want more information about John? You can read an interview with him on Publishers WeeklyComics BeatPasteWatch. Connect. Read., and SLJ’s Fuse #8